Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Eng 105 unheard HW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eng 105 unheard HW - Essay Example Though it seems bad, the colored folk are being accepted though it a journey I know. LYON: [uncomfortable at the direction the talk is taking] It’s my music, finally started to show progress. Some producer saw me on stage at my regular club say I got talent. Next thing you know am off making something for myself. Fences is a play that focuses deeply on relationships that are strained by personal decisions and by the times they are in. the discrimination of the colored community is clearly highlighted as a theme in the play and it is portrayed as having a major role in the lives of the characters. Troy, the main character in the play, makes many mistakes in his lifetime and has learnt to live with the old ones he made as a youth. In so doing, he is able to create a family, which is relatively happy and gets a stable job. These and the friendship he has with his workmates give him something to be thankful about. The event that occurs towards the closing of the climax of the play exposes the stained relationship existing between the members of his family. Rose and Lyon have such a relationship, which is made even more difficult by introduction of Raynell in the family. Lyon and Cory are okay with each other, but there is a barrier between them where Lyon expresses a form of crippled thinking and his younger brother is more focused and sharp. In this particular instance, Lyon expresses his regard for his father when he refers his brother to their father in respect to finding a job. In this manner, he indirectly accepts that he is the one at odds with his father because he had refused an offer for a job by him. Lyon is the main focus of the act and he is exposed as having been involved with an incident he is ashamed of. He lies to his family on the source of the money he reinstates to his father knowing that if he disclosed the truth, he would be rejected. This instance goes further to show that the stereotypic

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